Thursday, 19 March 2009

Interact - by Liz Sloan

Interact’s second workshop was packed with fun games and giggling when I went to visit them down at the HUBS on a chilly February evening. Interact is a project that works with young adults with Asperger's Syndrome.

Their first workshop was held earlier in January which was a buddying session where the volunteers and young adults were partnered together so they could get to know each other.

Kerry Newcombe, Interact's Project Leader, said: “The first session went really well and everybody enjoyed themselves.” The second session focused on building up confidence by playing lots of games to start and then ending with a Puppet Show which was designed to engage the participants in storytelling. There will be a third workshop in April where the young adults will create a story book that they will then perform in a small theatre production in the final workshop at the end of April.

One of the games that was played in the opening session was Shapes. This included both young adults and volunteers working together to form various shapes. There were some very interesting ideas for example London Bridge and some original collaborations for creating a Toblerone.

One of the things that made me realise the great work that the volunteers of Interact are doing was when one of the participants decided to allow us to photograph her during the workshop although she rarely allows anyone to photograph her. Kerry said “I feel so happy when I see the participants’ progress with their communication and social skills. They really seem to be comfortable working with us.”

The group are looking forward to the next workshops where participants will develop a performance piece together. To celebrate Interact's last workshop of 2009, volunteers will take the participants out for a meal with money fundraised by the team.

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