Leon Snell Fundraising Officer
Course: Physical Education and Youth Sport - Year 3
Most likely to say? Can you make me some eggs Benedict please?
Nickname: Snellson Mandela
Favorite film and why? The Sound of Music - because it's a feel good film with lots of singing and reminds me of my childhood
If you have dinner with anyone who would it be and what would you ask them? Nelson Mandela Why did you steal my name? (oh, and lots of other important stuff about the anti-apartheid movement, imprisonment, and the like. And was it all worth it to
meet the Spice Girls?)

Course and year: 2nd Year Events Management
Most likely to say: Boohiss!
Preferred Nickname: Linz is the closest i have to a nickname!
Favourite Film and why: Ratatouille! It's awesome
If you could have dinner with one person (from any point in time) who would it be: my Dad
What would you ask them: How they are and if they're proud of me

Course: Law 3rd Year
Most likely to say: Oh man!
Nickname: Rodders (decided to keep it clean lol)
Favourite film and why: Twilight, because it is a classic love story with a twist, and has a gorgeous lead actor.
If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be and what would you say: Take That, I would ask them to serenade me.

Role on committee: Publicity officer
Most likely to say: any who
Preferred Nickname: 'Vixz’
Favourite Film and why: Cool Runnings
If you could have dinner with one person (from any point in time) who would it be: My Dad
What would you ask them: His he ok and his he proud?

Preferred Nickname: never really had one !!
Favourite Film and why: ouch this is a tough one - save the last dance maybe, lion king is definatly up there though!
If you could have dinner with one person (from any point in time) who would it be: Sue Campbell
What would you ask them: everything about PE and Sport in schools, my dissertation, what inspired her? about the work she does with the youth sport trust, sooo many questions!

Liz Credgington Socials & Communication Officer
1st year Events Management
Most likely to say: thats brilliant thank you!
Preferred Nickname, Liz or Lizbeth
Favourite Films are Babe... because I love pigs and Dirty Dancing because its
just a great girlie film.
If I could have dinner with one person it would be: Will Smith
Project Reps:

Katie Adams Working with Children project representative
Course and year: BA (HONS) English Studies 3rd year
Most likely to say: "I bet that it might be." (I like those odds!)
Harriet Swain. Working With Children Rep
Course and year: Physical education and youth sport
Preferred Nickname: 'Haz'
Favourite Film and why: Pearl Harbour- josh harnett, need i say anymore
If you could have dinner with one person (from any point in time) who would It be: Nelson Mandela,
What would you ask them: How his he still so cool, and can i have a hug
Andy Mitchell Chair & Working with adults rep
Course and year: Business Studies and HRM, 4th Year
Most likely to say: "Jager time? Sambuca time?"
Preferred Nickname: MITCHELL!
Favourite Film and why: Mrs Doubtfire is hilarious, wall-e is my mate, and the green mile is amazing!
If you could have dinner with one person (from any point in time) who would it be: Michael Parkinson coz he's had dinner with EVERYONE!
What would you ask them: "What was *insert famous person here* like?" multiple times.
Any Problems, plese get in touch with one of them.
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